
How to Fix an Old Sun Faded Blue Dashboard

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Any plastic that comes into contact with the sun will eventually crack and lose coloring. Knowing this, you lot can preserve valuable items by regularly treating them with commercial plastic conditioning products. If the harm is astringent, hydrogen peroxide can contrary the impairment, but it should simply be used on white or grayness products. If all else fails, repainting the plastic is e'er an pick. Have good care of the plastic and you tin restore it to expect every bit good as new.

  1. 1

    Wash and dry the plastic surface. Dampen a microfiber cloth in lukewarm water, then employ it to wipe down the plastic. This should remove any clay, dust, or other droppings that tin interfere with the cleaning products. Dry the surface fully with a make clean microfiber cloth before you lot utilise the conditioner.[1]

    • To handle tough stains, clean the plastic with a mixture .5  fl oz (15 mL) of any liquid laundry detergent and xvi  fl oz (470 mL) of warm water.
  2. 2

    Squeeze plastic conditioner onto the affected area. Purchase a specialized plastic conditioning product. Place a coin-sized driblet of conditioner onto the plastic. This should be enough to cover nearly half of a machine's dashboard or any surface smaller than that. Utilise more conditioner as needed to cover the damaged area completely.[2]

    • You can order conditioner online. Yous may also be able to detect it at habitation improvement or motorcar parts stores.
    • Plastic restoration kits are too bachelor. They usually include conditioner as well equally applicator pads.


  3. 3

    Buff the plastic in a circular motion with a microfiber material. Use a clean, soft microfiber cloth. Wipe the cloth in a circular motion until the conditioner is no longer visible on the plastic.[3]

    • If yous are worried about discoloring the plastic further, test the conditioner in an inconspicuous spot.
  4. 4

    Wipe upward the backlog conditioner later it dries. Nearly workout products dry in 10 minutes or less. If the handling is working, the conditioner will laissez passer into the plastic, restoring some of the color. Wipe upwards any conditioner pooled on the plastic after this time.

    • Be sure to read the manufacturer's instructions on the product to check the drying time and whatsoever other special instructions.
  5. five

    Apply a second coating if the conditioner is absorbed apace. But apply a second coating if the plastic absorbs the conditioner completely inside 10 minutes. This means the plastic isn't fully saturated, so the additional conditioner tin can help restore it. Avert adding more conditioner if y'all noticed excess conditioner pooling on top of the plastic.[4]

    • Follow the manufacturer'southward instructions for repeated applications. Over time, this may improve the plastic.
    • If the conditioner pooled and appeared to take no effect, repeated applications probably will not be enough to restore the plastic.
  6. half-dozen

    Use a plastic buffing product if you notice whatever scratches. Wait advisedly at the plastic, since sun damage can leave behind unpleasant cracks. Get a buffing production designed for plastic and place a money-sized amount on a cloth rag. Vitrify the scratch out using circular motions.[5]

    • Buffing products have varying strengths. Some are designed for calorie-free scratches while other are constructive on deeper cracks.
    • Ever wipe using circular motions. If you scrub the area, you lot will article of clothing downwardly the plastic.
  7. 7

    Wipe off the buffing product with a microfiber cloth. Go back over the area with a cloth, using it to pick up whatever product left on the plastic. Remove information technology all before continuing so the product does not go on to abrade your item.

  8. 8

    Spray on a plastic shine. Most polishing products come in a spray bottle, making them piece of cake to utilise. Simply motility the nozzle across the plastic surface equally you spray. Spread a calorie-free, fifty-fifty coating over the surface.

    • If yous get a non-spraying polish, lightly glaze a microfiber textile with the shine.
  9. ix

    Rub the polish into the plastic. Employ a microfiber cloth to even out the blanket and piece of work it into the plastic. For the best results, continue to polish the plastic using round motions. When you're finished, the plastic should shine and look much better than when y'all started.

    • If you detect whatsoever excess polish pooling over the plastic, simply wipe it off with your fabric.
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  1. i

    Article of clothing plastic gloves and condom goggles. Hydrogen peroxide can irritate your skin. For your ain safety, always article of clothing gloves when handling the cream. Also put on a pair of protective glasses or goggles to shield your eyes.[6]

    • Wearing long-sleeved clothing can also help yous avert accidents.
  2. ii

    Remove or record over colored labels and decals. Hydrogen peroxide is simply effective for restoring white or gray-colored plastic. Record off or embrace whatever colored areas you wish to save. You can apply a clear role record or masking tape to protect them.[7]

    • If you are able, remove these components earlier treating the plastic.
    • Make sure the record is flat confronting the plastic, sealing off the expanse you lot wish to protect.
  3. iii

    Pigment hydrogen peroxide cream over the faded or discolored area. Use a 12% hydrogen peroxide cream instead of the liquid variety most stores carry. Then, brush an fifty-fifty layer of the cream over the area. You can utilize a pigment castor or cream brush. If you don't accept these, an old toothbrush volition do.

    • Hydrogen peroxide cream is like a gel, so it's very like shooting fish in a barrel to spread over the discoloration without dissentious the remainder of the item.
    • The cream is used to color hair, so y'all tin frequently find it in hair coloring kits or buy it at hair salons.
  4. iv

    Seal the particular in a plastic bag. If your item is pocket-sized plenty, fit it into a zippered storage bag like the sandwich numberless most grocery stores carry. For bigger items, yous can utilise clear garbage bags. Stuff the item in the bag, so cipher or tie the opening shut to prevent the cream from drying out.

    • The garbage bag has to be articulate in society to allow in the sunlight, or else the cream will dry without treating the sunday harm on the plastic.
    • Bank check to make sure the cream isn't already drying out. Rinse it off and add more as needed so it doesn't disfigure the plastic.
  5. five

    Prepare the pocketbook in direct sunlight for 4 hours. Observe a spot to place your particular outdoors, if possible. You want to put it under direct sunlight, simply not on a hot surface such as asphalt. Although sunlight normally discolors plastic, it tin reverse impairment as long as your item is coated in hydrogen peroxide cream.[8]

    • A table or a stone surface is a great place to stick your detail. Brand sure it won't exist disturbed in that location.
  6. 6

    Bank check the bag and rotate it every hour. Return to the plastic particular every hr, checking that the cream is however damp. If the bag is sealed, it probably will even so be fine. Accept the time to turn the particular so the sunlight hits the discolored area evenly over the 4 hours.

    • The sunlight and shadows may change throughout the day, and so keep on your toes.
    • Scout for whatever holes in the bag. If this happens, add more cream before the old layer dries, and so movement the bundle into a 2d pocketbook.
  7. 7

    Rinse off the cream before information technology dries. Dampen a clean rag with lukewarm water. You tin can use whatsoever rag y'all have available. Wipe off all of the cream, rinsing the rag as needed. Make sure you go all of the cream, since any of it allowed to dry out will end up creating some ugly scratches in the plastic.[9]

    • Be careful if you're cleaning off something delicate such as an electronic device. Avoid using too much water. Brand sure the rag isn't dripping wet.
  8. viii

    Echo the cleaning as needed to restore the plastic. Y'all may need to repeat the treatment again before the plastic returns to normal. Add more hydrogen peroxide, bag the item, and set it in the sun once more. E'er rinse off the foam between treatments.[10]

    • When yous're finished, peel off any tape you used. You tin can then apply a plastic polish if yous desire to brand your plastic shine.
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  1. 1

    Launder off the plastic with soap and h2o. You can use your regular liquid laundry detergent for this. Try mixing about .v  fl oz (15 mL) of detergent in 16  fl oz (470 mL) of hot h2o. Apply the soap, so rinse it off either with a hose or clammy rag.[11]

    • Give plastic a thorough washing before attempting to restore information technology. Plastic restoration products always work better on clean surfaces.
  2. 2

    Dry the plastic with a microfiber fabric. Use the cloth to wipe downwards the plastic. This should remove virtually of the moisture too as the dirt and other debris. Brand sure the surface is completely dry earlier standing.[12]

    • You can let the plastic dry in air, but more grit and debris will settle on it the longer you expect.
  3. 3

    Sand the area with 220 to 320-grit sandpaper. Be very gentle when using the sandpaper so you don't scratch the plastic. Rub the sandpaper around the area in a circular motion. When you're finished, wipe off the debris with a clean microfiber cloth.

    • While you can get abroad with non sanding, roughing up the surface a little helps the paint stick to the plastic.
  4. 4

    Apply an all-purpose cleaner to remove stubborn grease. A simple lather and water cleaning can exit on oils that interfere with the paint. For this reason, make clean the plastic off a second time with an all-purpose cleaner or degreaser. Rub in the production using a soft microfiber fabric.[thirteen]

    • All-purpose cleaners are effective against oils, which tin can settle on exposed plastics such as cars.
    • Some other option is rubbing booze. Rubbing alcohol is very effective at removing leftover oils.
  5. 5

    Place painter'south tape around the discolored expanse. Paints and dyes will go out you with a different sort of discoloration if they reach areas you don't want to color. Protect these areas by making a border effectually the discolored surface area.

    • Painter's tape is designed for this purpose, but using other varieties, such as masking record, may likewise work.
    • You lot can get painter's record from nigh hardware and habitation improvement stores.
  6. half-dozen

    Wear a pair of gloves and a respirator. Unless y'all desire to dye your hands, slip on a pair of gloves before painting. Also, open up upwardly any nearby doors and windows if you aren't working exterior. You should wear a respirator mask to avoid animate in whatever fumes from the paint or dye.

    • Wearing long-sleeved dress also helps protect your skin. Select old clothing you lot don't listen discoloring.
  7. 7

    Coat the discolored area with spray pigment. Choose a spray paint for plastic that is the color you want. Slowly move back and forth across the discolored area, applying an even coating of paint. Overlap your strokes until you take covered the entire area.[xiv]

    • For extra consequence, apply a layer of primer commencement. This unremarkably isn't necessary, but information technology ensures the paint sticks to the plastic.
    • You can also dyes, such as trim dyes for cars. Squeeze a few drops onto the plastic, then spread the dye with a foam brush.
    • You lot can paint the detail whatever color yous would similar, merely yous may wish to lucifer the pigment to the detail's existing colour scheme.
  8. viii

    Permit the pigment dry for 30 minutes. Give the pigment time to dry fully before calculation another blanket. Depending on your environment, you lot may demand to wait a little longer earlier the paint is dry to the touch.[15]

  9. 9

    Add more layers of paint as needed. You will most probable demand to go back and apply a 2d coating. Repeat the steps, letting the paint dry again. If the paint doesn't look solid and even, applying multiple layers doesn't injure. When you're finished, permit the paint to dry, remove the record, and savor the new coloring.

    • You may also want to apply a paint sealer when you're finished in order to preserve the pigment job longer.
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Add New Question

  • Question

    How do I restore headlight plastic?

    T. Chinsen

    Oxidation residue is the cause of foggy headlights. Commercially-available kits are bachelor to practise the job of restoring headlights. Online results also include the utilize of drinking glass cleaner, toothpaste, baking soda and vinegar, and are demonstrated on YouTube.

  • Question

    How do you lot clean UV damaged plastic?

    Drew Hawkins1

    Drew Hawkins1

    Community Answer

    Your all-time bet is to employ some plastic conditioner, which may aid reverse any impairment caused by UV light. Kickoff by washing the surface with warm h2o and a microfiber cloth to remove dirt and debris from the surface. If it's really muddy, utilize a mixture of v fl oz (fifteen mL) of any liquid laundry detergent and 16 fl oz (470 mL) of warm water to clean it. Afterward you wash the plastic, dry it off well with a make clean, dry cloth. Apply a plastic conditioning production and add about a coin-sized amount to the plastic. Use a make clean, soft microfiber cloth. Wipe the material in a circular motion until the conditioner is no longer visible on the plastic. Then, wipe off the excess, let it dry, and yous should be good to go!

  • Question

    Tin yellowed plastic be whitened?

    Drew Hawkins1

    Drew Hawkins1

    Community Respond

    If you've got white plastic that'due south faded to yellow, you can actually restore information technology with hydrogen peroxide! Tape off or cover any colored areas with some clear tape or masking tape and so they're protected. Use a 12% hydrogen peroxide cream instead of the liquid and brush an fifty-fifty layer over the surface area. You can utilize a paint brush or foam brush. If you don't take these, an former toothbrush volition work just fine. So, seal the plastic item in a plastic handbag or garbage pocketbook to proceed the foam from drying out. Find a spot to identify your item outdoors, if possible. You want to put it nether direct sunlight, but non on a hot surface such every bit asphalt. Rotate the bag every 60 minutes or so until the white color is restored. Rinse off the cream earlier it dries with a damp rag and you lot're all set.

  • Question

    How exercise you gear up discolored black plastic?

    Drew Hawkins1

    Drew Hawkins1

    Community Answer

    The simplest solution may be to pigment over the plastic surface. For that job, spray paint is the easiest way to go. Wash off the plastic with some soap and h2o so it'due south nice and make clean, then dry out it off completely with a clean towel. Take some 220 to 320-grit sandpaper and gently scrub the plastic surface to crude information technology upward and give your pigment something to stick to. Then, wash and dry out it again. Tape off any sections you don't want to become pigment on and glaze the discolored area with an even layer of the spray paint. Permit information technology dry out for 30 minutes and add additional layers if necessary.

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  • Condition and polish plastic frequently to limit sun harm.

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  • Always wear protective gear when handling pigment and other chemicals.


Things You'll Need

  • Plastic conditioner
  • Plastic buffing product
  • Plastic polish
  • Microfiber cloths
  • Water
  • Safe gloves
  • Safety goggles
  • Painter's tape
  • Hydrogen peroxide cream
  • Cream brush
  • Resealable plastic bag
  • Clean rag
  • H2o
  • H2o
  • Liquid laundry detergent
  • Microfiber cloth
  • 220 to 320-dust sandpaper
  • All-purpose cleaner or degreaser
  • Painter's tape
  • Prophylactic gloves
  • Respirator mask
  • Plastic-safe spray paint or dye

About This Article

Article Summary 10

Earlier you endeavour to restore sun-damaged plastic, wipe the surface with a damp microfiber material to get rid of clay or any debris. Then, apply a small amount of plastic conditioner, which yous tin can buy online or at a home improvement store. Rub the conditioner into the plastic in a circular motion with a microfiber cloth until you tin't see information technology anymore, and then wait 10 minutes. If there is any conditioner remaining on the surface subsequently the time is upwards, wipe it off. If the conditioner is absorbed quickly, employ a second coat. Finish by spraying a light coating of plastic polish across the surface. For tips on how to repair white plastic with hydrogen peroxide, read on!

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